
Help cultivate talents in colleges and universities and provide a platform for college students to practice innovation and entrepreneurship education

Help cultivate talents in colleges and universities and provide a platform for college students to practice innovation and entrepreneurship education

On August 4, a group of 14 teachers and students from Qilu Institute of Technology came to our company for research activities regarding theInternet +College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition they participated in. “As an outstanding government enterprise, our company always shoulders social missions and effectively assists colleges and universities. Talent cultivation provides a platform for the practice of innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students, helping students truly get out of books and theories.

Li Yisheng, Vice President of Operations and Zhang Rui, Director of Human Resources of Tebao Company, had in-depth exchanges with teachers and students of the college.

As one of the earliest enterprises in the environmental protection business to treat high-salt separation and zero emissions in industrial wastewater, the company implements the industrial, environmental, green, and low-carbon concepts advocated by the national economic development and is an enterprise entity that practices green development. With many years of production and operation experience, Mastering the industry’s core technology in the field of water treatment has opened up new ideas and provided new research directions for this student’s research activities.


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Shandong Mingtian Machinery Group Joint Stock Co., Bpk. is gevestig in 2007 en is in die Zhangqiu -distrik geleë, Jinan City, Shandong Provinsie. Dit is 'n nasionale hoë-tegnologie-onderneming wat wetenskaplike navorsing integreer, produksie en verkope. Die jaarlikse uitsetwaarde van die groeponderneming is so hoog soos 150 Miljoen yuan, wat 'n gebied van meer as 36,000 vierkante meter, en 'n bouarea van meer as 19,000 vierkante meter.


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