
How to inspect and maintain the biogas blower of Shandong Zhangqiu tomorrow blower before and after use

How to inspect and maintain the biogas blower of Shandong Zhangqiu tomorrow blower before and after use

Shandong Jinan Zhangqiu Blower Mingtian Machinery Group Co., Bpk. today talked with friends about what needs to be checked and maintained before using the blower. Oor die algemeen, the preparations that should be done before starting the equipment include fully opening the air inlet regulating valve, the air outlet regulating valve and the surrounding air. Pass pipe. Check whether the air inlet air filter is clear and whether the filter inlet is fully open. Check whether the lubricating oil is in good condition and whether the cooling water system is smooth. Turn the coupling to check whether the impeller is moving smoothly and whether there is friction or collision. Check whether the connections of all parts are in good condition and whether they are loose. Be careful when inspecting and do not miss any details. As the saying goes, details determine success or failure. Be sure to check whether the maintenance tools are fully prepared to prevent accidents.

The biogas blower is a special gas blower. The pressure shown on the blower must not exceed the pressure increase range specified on the sign. Otherwise, it must be stopped to check whether the inlet in the system is blocked, whether the inlet and exhaust valves are all closed, and whether the static and moving parts in the blower are damaged. Friction and other problems, and take corresponding measures. Its characteristics are that when the pressure is adjusted within the allowable range during use, the flow rate changes slightly, the pressure selection range is wide, and it has the characteristics of forced gas transmission. The medium does not contain oil during transportation. Simple structure, easy maintenance, long service life and low vibration of the whole machine.

Shandong Jinan Zhangqiu Blower Mingtian Machinery Group Company reminds us to regularly send people to check the oil level of the fan oil tank. If the oil level is found to be lower than the middle position of the oil mark, replenish it immediately. If there are signs of oil leakage at the joint between the oil mark, the oil drain plug and the oil tank, they must be replaced and repaired in time. Please completely change the engine oil every six months. If the oil mark is too dirty and the engine oil cannot be seen clearly, the oil mark must be cleaned immediately to prevent misleading the oil level in the tank and burning the gear. If the oil is obviously dirty, it should be replaced in time. Don’t delay and lose a lot of money.

Shandong Mingtian Machinery Group Joint Stock Co., Bpk. is gevestig in 2007 en is in die Zhangqiu -distrik geleë, Jinan City, Shandong Provinsie. Dit is 'n nasionale hoë-tegnologie-onderneming wat wetenskaplike navorsing integreer, produksie en verkope. Die jaarlikse uitsetwaarde van die groeponderneming is so hoog soos 150 Miljoen yuan, wat 'n gebied van meer as 36,000 vierkante meter, en 'n bouarea van meer as 19,000 vierkante meter.


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