Inleiding van PSA- en VPSA -wortelsblaser

1.Basic Introduction of PSA and VPSA

1.1 The device adopts two-tower pressure swing adsorption and oxygen production, and ses molecular sieve to adsorb nitrogen from the air to separate and extract rich oxygen. The theoretical purity of extracted oxygen is 95%. Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) is a kind of Advanced gas separation technology.
1.2 The basic principle of pressure swing adsorption is to rely on the solid adsorbent to separate the gas of different components. Because the solid adsorbent is porous, when the gas comes into contact with it, a phenomenon of containing gas will occur on the surface or inside of it, called solid adsorption of the gas; the atoms or molecules that have been adsorbed by the solid return to the gas, This is called desorption or desorption. Adsorption agent changes with the pressure, the amount of adsorption changes, the method of adsorption or desorption of gas is called pressure swing adsorption method.

2.Process Diagram of VPSA and PSA

3.Roots Blower for VPSAPSA Technology

4.Specification Range

Flow: 20m3/min to 500m3/min

ΔPressure: -53.3kpa to 50kpa

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Shandong Mingtian Machinery Group Joint Stock Co., Bpk. is gevestig in 2007 en is in die Zhangqiu -distrik geleë, Jinan City, Shandong Provinsie. Dit is 'n nasionale hoë-tegnologie-onderneming wat wetenskaplike navorsing integreer, produksie en verkope. Die jaarlikse uitsetwaarde van die groeponderneming is so hoog soos 150 Miljoen yuan, wat 'n gebied van meer as 36,000 vierkante meter, en 'n bouarea van meer as 19,000 vierkante meter.


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